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At Wath Academy, we provide access to a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum to enable all students to reach their full potential. We do this by providing a stimulating learning environment. In lessons, where appropriate, pupils are baselined and given a pathway to follow so that students are not held back, providing the opportunities for our more able students to be stretched and challenged. As ability and talent extend past the classroom, we provide an all-encompassing enrichment programme that aims to provide opportunities for all. Our curriculum offer allows us to deliver exceptional learning experiences that promote high attainment and progress, equipping students with a broad range of life skills to enable them to live successful and fulfilling lives.


Our more able students are identified and monitored so that we can provide the challenge needed for them to achieve. We also recognise that some students may have a particular talent in a given subject; departments have specific identification criteria so students who have a ‘talent’ in the subject are identified and are added to the talented register. We are also keen for parents to share any talents that our students may have outside of school with subject teachers. This can be done either through the email address or via our parent and carer consultation evenings.


All students are involved in a range of enrichment activities. Where possible, there is a tailored programme offered to our more able and talented students, as well as other bespoke opportunities including study seminars, university outreach programmes and guest speakers. Our departments also offer opportunities for our more able and talented students to engage with, such as national competitions.