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Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and human behaviour. Throughout the course, you will experience an aspirational curriculum that equips you to apply psychological knowledge and theory to a multitude of real-life situations.


Psychology is a fascinating subject that students thoroughly enjoy studying. The curriculum is designed in a way that encourages students to develop their confidence and independence and allows them to appreciate multiple explanations of behaviour. The knowledge and skills gained also facilitate many other subjects. Psychology boasts links to Biology, Maths, PE, Sociology, English, History, Criminology and Health and Social Care at both pre- and post-16 level. 


You will learn how the behaviour of individuals is influenced by a variety of factors from conception, through childhood and into adulthood. This includes understanding how the presence of others, our biology and our upbringing influence our behaviour, including the development and treatment of mental health problems such as addiction and depression. Research forms an integral part of psychological study so, as a result, you will develop a knowledge of how to conduct your own scientific research.


Paper 1 covers the topics of Memory, Perception, Development and Research Methods.

Paper 2 covers the topics of Social Influence, Brain and Neuropsychology, Psychological Problems and Language, Thought and Communication.

Students will sit two exams at the end of Y11, with each paper contributing 50% of the overall grade. 

You can find more information about Psychology at Wath Academy by watching the video below:

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You can find more information about Psychology at Wath Academy here